Why Couples Should Not Have Children

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Many couples have chosen to not have children in this generation. One may ask why because many reasons. Reasons such as infertility, choice of preference, or the many worldwide catastrophes people face today. In either situations, one should not be judged for their opinion. I personally don’t have a preference, but I can back up each situation with logical reasoning. There are many couples that choose to not have children. One popular reason is choice of preference. Some call it “selfish” because why would a couple not want to create another generation? Many couples have said that children are expensive, and will take time away from their hectic schedules. This statement is quite true because when you have a child, it isn’t about your wants and needs. The full focus is put on towards your child. This is one reason that couples are willing to accept. Of course, some couples choose the path of waiting financially and emotionally. When having a baby, you must be fully ready. Some couples around the world who are trying desperately to have children cannot due to infertility issues. Infertility issues …show more content…

The world has become a scary place over time, mainly because of crime. The safe world of which we use to know, is slowly fading away. There have been many reported cases of shooting, stabbings, kidnappings, and even unfair treatment by our own law enforcement. Now for a couple who is wanting to plan to have a child, why would they knowing what kind of danger their child may endure? Instead of law enforcement protecting citizens, some are doing the total opposite. Police officers have been engaging in rape, assault, and even perjury. Many people are asking who can they trust? So unfortunately many citizens take matters into their own hands which makes it increasingly worse. In cases like these, it doesn’t give many hopefully parents hope on their decision on whether or tonight to bring a child in this

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