Why Are Superheroes So Popular

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Superheroes have been a popular aspect of the entertainment culture for quite some time now, and looking at the list of movies to come, it will maintain being popular for quite some time. There is no one reason for superhero movies to be as popular as they are. It is possible that superhero movies are only popular because of their action-packed storyline, but it is possible that the appeal of superheroes goes deeper than the need for entertainment. Although enhanced by powers, superheroes show a certain level of humanity. Audience members who sit through superhero movies can relate to the human experiences that are portrayed in the movie. The audience may see a part of themselves in the movie that they are watching. This makes the movie much more relatable and connects the audience to the characters in the movie. Every person in this world has a story of their own. Each person carries a unique past that leads them up to this moment and create who they are. It is possible that like ourselves, it is the character's origin story that makes them so interesting and inspirational. There is much more that makes superheroes so inspirational, such as how they handle tough situations in life and go through life-altering events. The way the superheroes can often continue …show more content…

When using superheroes for movies, shows, toys etc. they are not selling the public a new idea. They are simply using past ideas that have worked and are guaranteed to bring in appeal to an audience. These are called cultural icons. Cultural icons are a big reason many superheroes are so popular. There is no need for hardcore fans of Batman comic books to go to the movies, but you are getting them and anyone who has enjoyed Batman prior to this film, including: The comic books, The Original Batman, Batman video games, and any Batman film. Since there is already a huge market for Batman, the producers usually do not have to worry about a

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