Why Are School Uniforms Worth Losing Individuality?

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Will gaining safety and an overall less distracting learning environment be worth losing individuality? With current research, school uniforms look like a good choice for schools with safety and economic issues. Although many people believe that uniforms are bad because they remove individuality and the ability to express one’s self, we have much evidence that the pros weigh out the cons. Overall school uniforms will make schools safer and less stressful for everyone.

School uniforms make schools safer for not only students but staff as well. Uniforms help to make a safer learning environment by getting rid of the ability to wear gang-related clothing. Making gang fights or the formation of a gang on school grounds unlikely or impossible to occur. They also make intruders stand out from the crowd. Making the students and the staff safer because intruders cannot sneak into the building and place a bomb in it, or make a school shooting. Also with uniforms, bullying would die out because school uniforms give the …show more content…

They make it so students can focus on their schoolwork and not on people's clothing; with school uniforms, studies show that grades improved. There was also less talking in the classroom making teachers and staff's jobs less stressful and students less distracted. They also boost confidence as the presenter does not have to fear or worry about getting teased or laughed at because of their clothing. With the rise of social media and the fall of attention spans, distractions are everywhere and it's easy for a student to start to focus on another person’s clothing. Meaning that we need to limit students to focus on the teacher’s material and not on other people. Research also shows that while uniforms were in place, classroom and student organization skills improved drastically. Meaning that more people could find their papers and schoolwork more easily and improve their overall

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