Why Are Professional Athletes Overpaid

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Are Professional Athletes Overpaid? In today's society individuals believe that athletes make too much money. Many like minded individuals argue that the professional athletes get paid way too much and them as an individual don’t get paid enough. What society falls to realize it that their are people making money off of the athletes for doing distinctly nothing. Professional athletes are doing what they love to do just like any normal individual and it just happens that they get paid millions. Professional athletes are idealised people just like singers and actor/actresses who are paid the same if not more. So far people aren’t discussing how much actors/actresses and singer make but picking solely on athletes. There are numerous reasons as to whether athletes are overpaid or not. Reasons as to athletes are not overpaid simply because it provides more jobs and people raise their children to play sports. More reasons as to why athletes overpaid is it is entertainment, they help people or a community, and it strains their body in the process. Ultimately what is at stake here is the failure …show more content…

Some people love watching sports and are huge fans. Those are the people who are usually buying tickets, season passes, or a type of souvenir. Those are the funds that go into the corporations that pay athletes and the jobs that sports bring. Most people associate athletes with the stereotype that they blow up their money on cars, girls, and parties. Not every athlete fits that criteria some athletes help people, or a community, and put some money away knowing their career won’t last forever. With that being said athletes constantly are straining their body. Even though their body looks great on the inside when in a contact sport that can all

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