Why A Girl Left Her Hair?

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Hair plays an important role in a girls life. They can spend up to $50,000 on their hair in a lifetime. We get to choose exactly how we want it. What color, what style, and most importantly what length. The length of a girls hair depends on her preference, or does it? What if the reason a girl left her hair long was because of something other than what she wanted? The simple answer to this question is sex. Throughout our history, having long hair was a sign of fertility (Stuff Mom Never Told You, 2014). Men often chose their wife based on the length of her hair. Now, it's not much different, longer hair is seen as more attractive to men. If a young woman wants to be noticed by a young man, all she really has to do is have long flowing hair …show more content…

I never really cared until I heard about donating your hair. Not having long enough hair, I begged my mother to let me grow it out long enough to donate, she caved. The longer it grew, the more I fell in love with its length. When it came time to donate it, I was thrilled, but I told my mom I was growing my hair out after I cut it. She was not happy with that but allowed me to do it anyways. Looking back at pictures of me when I had short hair, I couldn't believe I ever lived like that. Then, when talking to my mom about how she loved my hair when it was short, she accused me of keeping my hair long only to rebel against her. That got me thinking. So I asked her, “What length was your hair as a kid?” When she replied “Long,” it all started to make sense; see, my mom has short hair but grew up with long hair. I have long hair but grew up with short hair. This made me realize that our parents have a huge influence on our hair length. Maybe we don't even notice but they are instilling life choices in us from a very young age, but that's natural. Toddlers can't be trusted to make good hair choices, but that brings me to my next point. In an article by the Huffington Post, a mom writes about her experiences with her daughters hair. She made her daughter grow it out, even though the young girl desperately wanted a mohawk. Her mother finally gave in because she didn't want her daughter to think that longer hair would

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