Trichotillomania Essay

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Millie refers to Romans 8:28. She says that she believes God does not put anything in our lives that does not have a purpose. She even believes that to be true with her Trichotillomania. Millie decided to search for the reason that God put Trichotillomania into her life. “The Lord showed me that I needed to give trichotillomania to Him. He would then be the One to help get me through my ups and downs. He gave me the strength that I needed to face life and handle my problems” (Mason 2008). Once Millie came to this realization she found that she no longer need Trichotillomania to be her friend in order to lift her moods or help her relax. In fact, she no longer needed the hurtful act at all in her life.
Millie discussed how the withdrawal of not being able to pull was terrible. She struggled everyday and night. She even began to hold Koosh balls in her hands in order to prevent herself from pulling in her sleep. “Once, by the strength of the Lord, I came through my withdrawal period, things became so much easier” (Mason 2008). However, through her faith in God she was able to fight her battle.
Millie is just one person who has found her faith in Christ to battle her Trichotillomania. Another person who has used her Christianity to fight her Trichotillomania is Lori Strickland. She’s a Christian woman from Texas who used her faith to fight and treat Trichotillomania.
“As I write this I am still amazed that one day back in 1990 when I stood in my bathroom glancing in the mirror at my hair, that plucking out just one hair, that seemed so out of place, would lead me into 10 years of slavery” (Strickland 2011). This is how Lori opens up her blog about her story of suffering from Trichotillomania. Lori discusses how it began with the o...

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...d prayer to find her cure. She also used prayer to find her support group. Millie also used a support group, but she found Bible study to be a useful cure. Millie was already a devout Christian when she discovered she suffered from Trichotillomania, whereas Lori came to God searching for a cure to her disease. These two stories both demonstrate how their Christian faith only grew stronger as they began to battle Trichotillomania.
The Christian faith does not discourage those who suffer from Trichotillomania and other mental diseases. In fact, the Christian faith has been shown to grow stronger in sufferers of Trichotillomania as seen in the two testimonies. There are many risks to Trichotillomania not just having bald spots. Although the cause of the disease still remains widely speculative, Christianity has shown to be one of the many possible treatment options.

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