Who Was To Blame For The Cold War Essay

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The Cold War was a war based on political policy, weapons of mass destruction, and an attempt to keep world peace during a time of turmoil. It also sparked a battle between capitalism and free trade (United States) versus socialist and communist (Soviet Union) ideas. Thankfully, a “cold war” means that there were no direct conflicts or battles, however, there were plenty of side conflicts between allies of the two major powers (United States & Soviet Union). The main takeaways from the Cold War conflict were; “Who started the Cold War?” and the impacts of life on the United States and the Soviet Union. Who is to blame for the war? Many sources from The United States claim Russia was to blame, and Russian websites claim the U.S. started the war. Viewing both, to create unbiased opinion, I believe that the United States was to blame for the war, here’s why. First, the atomic bomb that devastated Japan was not only created to end the war, it was also created as an assertion of power to other superpowers. Second, the United States bomb Japan because of a difference in political policy …show more content…

This was a construction period, and a distinct one a that, where families of Europe attempted to salvage what was left of their lives back at home. A major event which took place in this time period was the Warsaw Pact, which countered NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), and allowed the Cold War to occur. The Warsaw Pact was a military alliance which allowed the Soviet Union to keep and also build their arms back up, without suffering repercussions from the United States because of their recent alliance. The Warsaw Pact also allowed Russia to avoid conflict and, at the same time create a fighting force to replenish the deaths of over 10 million soldiers in WWII. Luckily, as only 2 years separated the wars, only allowing the two superpowers to rely mainly on empty threats and political

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