Who Was Responsible For Oedipus Downfall

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Hubris is defined as excessive, personal pride. As Oedipus is about to learn the devastating truth of his origin and destiny, the chorus observes “Audacity sires the tyrant…” Creon accuses Oedipus of being irrational, and for allowing his pride to lead him into a journey that will affect his life forever. The greeks held reason to be the greatest gift of man, therefore a tyrant’s actions should be governed by reason. Hubris was not the essential cause of Oedipus downfall because of Oedipus’ prophecy, and Religious Incest. Hubris was not the essential cause of Oedipus downfall because of Oedipus’ prophecy. When it comes to prophecy and following your destiny, the greek culture take this more serious than any other culture. The Greeks …show more content…

Incest is the sexual relations with someone who is related or closely related to you. Oedipus is married to his wife and mother, Jocasta. He did not realize she was his mother until he discovered who his real parents were during his search. “For why must I see, I for whom no sight is sweet.” (sophocles 291-292) After Oedipus said this, his wife/mother killed herself. This is an example of Oedipus pride testing him because he has to stay focused on his goal but he realizes that the causing of her death was his doing. “Falling upon us, the fire-bringing God, most hateful disease, drives the city, and by him the house of Cadmus is strained and dark Hades grows rich with groans and wails.” (sophocles 30-33) It has gotten to the point where the people are blaming God for the events that have occurred. “But may Phoebus who sent these prophecies ome at once as savior and stayer of disease.” (sophocles 160-161) “You have spoke justly, but no man can compel when they are unwilling.” (sophocles 291-292) These two quotes show that Oedipus not only stood up for the Gods that gave him this opportunity, but he was humble in the word choice and the way he took order like a leader should. Hubris was not the essential cause of Oedipus downfall because of religious

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