Who Was Hatshepsut

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Who was Hatshepsut? Hatshepsut was one of ancient Egypt’s most outstanding rulers. Hatshepsut meaning ‘Foremost of Noble Women’ was the first female pharaoh of Kemet, she was the longest reigning female pharaoh reigning for more than 20 years. She built sensational temples and successfully defended Egypt’s borders very well. However, after her death in 1457 BC, her monuments were pulled down, her name and legacy were demolished from history. It would be over 3,000 years before her story was talked about again. After the death of her father at the age of 12, Hatshepsut married her half-brother Thutmose II in 1615 BC. During their marriage Hatshepsut and her half brother Thutmose II were not able to have a son, but they soon were able have a daughter named Neferure. After, Thutmose’s II death the position of king was then passed down to Thutmose III a stepson and nephew of Hatshepsut. …show more content…

Citizens of Kemet would not take her being pharaoh seriously because she was a woman. Because of this Hatshepsut dressed as a king would, wearing a false beard and body. She even depicted in the traditional king Shendyt Kilt and crown as a way of proving her authority. To prove her point even further she denied all names that females would only hold and took on the name of pharoahs and she even dropped the ‘t’ from her name and became Hatshepsu, meaning his majesty. These are just a few of examples of what Hatshepsut wore to prove she was the new Pharaoh and to further show that she had become a man. Hatshepsut built the Mortuary temple at Deir el Bahri and built many

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