Who Is Steven Spielberg's War Horse?

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Steven Spielberg is a well-known director and one of the wealthiest worldwide. Steven was born in Cincinnati, Ohio in 1946. He has produced, written, and directed many highly acclaimed movies such as, Jaws, E.T., The Color Purple, and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. War Horse is a beautiful story of friendship and love. It shows the war through the eyes of a horse called Joey. The story takes place in Dartmoor England and Europe from 1914, and through World War 1. The friendship between a horse called Joey and Albert begins when he’s bought at an auction and taken home. Albert trains Joey and loves him. Together they accomplish some impossible tasks that astounds the neighbors. Joey is then sold by Albert’s dad to the British army because …show more content…

It is accurate that most thought that the war would last only days or weeks, therefore the reaction of most was one of excitement and concern as depicted in the movie. Many young people as portrayed in the movie wanted to prove their bravery and patriotism therefore they enlisted. Many boys that were too young to join, lied about their age in order to enlist like Albert did in War Horse. The film also showed the advancements made in weaponry during the First World War with the use of tanks. This is depicted in a scene where Joey was confronted with one. There was the scene where the British soldiers with outdated rifles were defeated by the German soldiers who were armed with machine guns. This happened often during the war. As history goes, during World War 1 the battle took place on land, sea, and air which was accurately portrayed in War Horse. Due to the use of powerful weapons many soldiers on both sides used trenches which made the war last even longer. In the movie you can see Albert and his fellow soldiers camping out in these dreading the order to get out and fight on the battlefield. The use of poisonous gas was also shown. There was a scene where Friedrich had to shoot British horses that got trapped in the barbed wire, this was another new weapon used during the war. During World War 1 the term “shell shock” was coined. It was used to define the

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