Who Is Marion Pritchard A Hero

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Marion Pritchard was a Dutch lady who lived through World War II. She was one of the many people to help the Jews get away from the Nazis. She was inspired by seeing how the Nazis treated the Jews, and did everything she could to save them. She risked her own life to protect them from the people who were trying to hurt them, and could have been hurt or even killed for her actions. Marion Pritchard is one of the many heroes from World War II because she risked her life to save the many Jews in the Netherlands from slaughter, and without her actions more Jews could have been killed. Marion Pritchard is a hero because she did whatever she could to help the Jews. All three of the articles I read it mention what she did to help the Jews. She …show more content…

Countless people who helped Jews risked their lives, but Marion Pritchard risked her more then the others. This is because she had already been to jail. She went for six or seven months for a crime she didn’t commit. She was accused of being apart of a rebellious group. This resistance was distributing mimeographed broadsheets. The name of this group could not be found. In the article from New York Times article about her it says, “She was not part of the group, she said, burt was imprisoned for about six months and tortured.” This was illegal because the Nazis relied on their lies to keep the people believing their group so they could stay in power. This was a serious crime during the war. She could have gotten a worse punishment if she was caught helping the Jews like being senteced to death or going to many of the camps Nazis had during this time. Some people might argue that Marion Pritchard is not a hero because she did what many other people were doing during the war. Just because of their actions, does it make hers any less herioc? It all comes down to their definition of a hero. The common definition of hero is a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievement or noble qualities. Another common definition is an ordinary person who helps others who need it. The definition used in this essay is an ordinary person who helps others who need it. Both definition describe what Marion Pritchard did during World War

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