Who Is George Washington's Legacy?

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George Washington was the first President of the United States of America. He was born on the 22nd of February in 1732, in Westmoreland County, Virginia. “He was one of our biggest presidents,”as he ranged about 6 feet and two inches tall, weighing about 200 pounds. Washington would be considered a “dog lover” in modern society, as he bred hound dogs and reportedly treated them as though they were apart of his family. I believe that he treated his pets as though they were family, because he never had any children of his own (only stepchildren). George Washington, being the 1st president of the United States, is not only known for leading the Continental Army to victory over the British during the American Revolution, he also set the standards and defined the duty as President for all future Presidents to follow. …show more content…

Augustine owned land in America where he married Jane Butler and later suffered her loss in 1729. In 1731 he remarried, to a woman named Mary Ball, who later became the mother of George Washington when he was born in 1732. Augustine and Mary moved the family around quite a bit, although major details of Washington’s youth are unknown, Fredericksburg, Virginia is where he spent a majority of his time growing up. George was homeschooled for a majority of his time as a child, and sadly lost his father at age 11. He was then raised by his half- brother, Lawrence. Sadly, George also suffered his loss in

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