Influence Of George Washington

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George Washington has influenced the United States in many positive ways as the first president of the United States. Washington was molded into a great leader at a young age through his life experiences. He helped unite the people and helped organize the country through his great leadership skills. Washington served in the American Revolution as a leader for the continental army before he became president. George was a war hero and a role model for the United States. George Washington was born on February 22, 1732 in Westmoreland County, Virginia. George grew up on a plantation where his father owned slaves and grew tobacco. Not much is known about George’s child hood, which is why some biographers created the “cherry tree” myth. He …show more content…

Washington was bothered by the proclamation and didn’t think it was necessary. In 1765, the Stamp Act was passed which put a tax on official documents. The colonies started rebelling against the British because they violated the people’s rights. There were many public protests because the British Parliament taxed the colonies without them electing a representative. George did not become a leader of this rebellion until after they passed the Townshend act in 1767. Two years later, George proposed a solution to The House of Burgess. His plan was for Virginia to boycott British goods until the acts were revoked. In 1774, The British passed the intolerable acts to punish the colonies for protesting. Washington called for a meeting with the delegates of the thirteen colonies (except Georgia) which was known as the “continental congress”. This meeting was arranged to discuss how the colonies were going to resist against the outrageous acts. Armed resistance would be used as a last resort if the situation got out of hand. The battle of Lexington and Concord was the start of the American Revolutionary War. The colonies and the British had a political dispute which turned into an armed conflict. A second Continental Congress was called and created the continental army. George Washington was chosen to be the commander of the army because of his great leadership skills and his military

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