Who Is Bilbo In The Hobbit

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Bilbo Baggins
Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit who lives in a luxurious hobbit hole called Bag End, built by his father for his mother. Bilbo Baggins, like every other Hobbit, is an introvert. But one day, Bilbo gets 14 unexpected visitors, who turn out to be looking for a burglar to help them reclaim their land of the ¨Lonely Mountain¨ north of Rhovanion. According to Harold Bloom, “Bilbo has never really left his immediate environs and knows little of the world beyond the Hill where he lives”(fofweb.com). According to Harold Bloom, “Hobbits ‘are little people, about half our height, and smaller than the bearded dwarves’[and are generally fat]" (fofweb.com). In the book, The hobbit, the character Bilbo Baggins is a middle class hobbit who must challenge …show more content…

When he woke up, he had no idea where he was. He met this creature called Gollum. Bilbo had thought that he could ask this weird looking creature his way out. When Bilbo had asked Gollum if he could find his way out, Gollum said that he will show the way outside if Bilbo asks him riddles and vice versa. If Bilbo cannot answer a riddle, Gollum will not show him the way out, but if Gollum could not answer a riddle, he would not show the way out. After asking a few riddles, Bilbo ran out of riddles. He asked a riddle that was not quite fair, because it was not a riddle at all. He asked, “What have I got in my pocket?”. Bilbo had the ring in his pocket. Gollum was a former owner of the ring. Gollum kept saying, “My precious!”(talking about the ring) as his answer. Bilbo could not really comprehend what Gollum was trying to mean when saying, “My precious”. Gollum tried to snatch the ring, but Bilbo used it and disappeared and found his way out, getting passed a bunch of goblin guards who thought someone was there, but could not see anyone due to the ring. Why I explained this was to show how smart Bilbo is, as he was able to find his own way out of the

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