Who Is A Static Character In The Namesake

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In The Namesake, the main character, Gogol, has a girlfriend named Maxine. Throughout the story, Maxine is a static character. Maxine has been with Gogol for a while now. Through the whole time, Maxine has loved him just the same. Maxine’s love does not change for Gogol, making her static. For example, Gogol took Maxine to his house for lunch. Although Ashima and Ashoke were very different than her own parents, Maxine still accepted them and still loved Gogol. Maxine lives with her parents, therefore their bond is very tight. It was quite obvious for her to notice that Gogol and his parents did not have a close bond, but Maxine did not care. Therefore, Maxine’s love for Gogol does not change. An example of Maxine showing static character indirectly would be when Gogol is recalling when he told Maxine his real name; “He remembers Maxine’s …show more content…

Gogol was very nervous to tell Maxine about his real name because through their whole relationship, Gogol was known as “Nikhil.” Gogol tells Maxine his name, and her reaction is not what Gogol had expected. This shows static character because telling Maxine Gogol’s real name could have been a problem. She may have gotten upset that she had not know. However, Maxine still accepted Gogol with his new name, presenting her as static. Another example of Maxine showing static character directly is when Maxine is visiting Gogol after Ashoke had died; “He stares at her, takes her hand and puts it back in her lap. “I miss you, Nikhil.”” (182). Maxine had not seen Gogol in a while, causing her to come up and pay her condolences. She says that she misses Gogol, showing that she loves him even though they have not seen each other in a while. Maxine’s personality affects her actions because she is a compassionate and loving person towards her parents and towards Gogol. With Maxine being loving and compassionate, it allows her to accept Gogol’s real name and to comfort Gogol when his father

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