White Tiger Metaphors

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English Extended Essay: Topic: An exploration of metaphors in “The White Tiger” by Arvind Adiga What I aim to investigate: Throughout the novel, Arvind Adiga uses a plethora of metaphors to describe the happenings of Balram Hawai, and his activities. In addition to this, the author repeatedly uses ironic, and sarcastic phrases to condemn the upper class Indian society, or “the light”. This brings several key themes in the novel, which include: • Globalization: The time in which the novel is written is essentially at the peak of Indian globalization, or “Americanization”. The theme is prominent, especially due to the technological and cultural advances that have taken places in Indian society. Balram, the protagonist’s employers decided to move to Gurgaon as a substitute for the USA. Furthermore, this globalization has led to sudden rise in the entrepreneurial culture in India that even resulted in Balram, formerly a driver, starting his own cab company. Although Balram’s transition from a driver to an entrepreneur took place under extraordinary circumstances, he does to keep up with the times. • Corruption in society: Throughout Balram’s life, he was exposed to corruption. Ranging from the domestic shopkeeper selling his employer’s votes …show more content…

The story exposes the poor-rich divide that surrounds India in the backdrop of economic activity and the wake of the technological revolution. The novel is a seven-part letter to the Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao, from Balram alias Ashok Sharma, a self-styled “Thinking Man / and an entrepreneur”. Balram the murderer, transforms into his former master by taking up his identity after his atrocious crime. By crime and cunning, in the name of the social injustice due to existing rich-poor divide in India, Balram rules his entrepreneurial

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