Where Are We Going To Taco Bell

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It was a dream come true something I’ve never done before In my entire life. I was racing through the lanes, drifting amongst others beating them to the finish line! It started on cloudy Sunday morning 3 days after my new cousins were born. There I was in the car sleeping, in the Tilted seat. My dad woke me up he said were going somewhere. “Where are we going are we going to Taco Bell?” I said. My dad was like no because my sister hates it. I listened to music while we were driving until I saw Heaven. It was a Go Kart Race Track and it was long. When we got inside I asked the worker how long was the track and she pointed to the poster. It was 1 ½ mile long track and I jumped in joy. My dad bought 5 rounds for me and 3 for my sister on the

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