When I Felt Like A Scape Goat Short Story

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Have you ever felt like a scape-goat? Horrible feeling. When you feel like everything and everyone turns against you and you have no one to talk to. The incident which happened to me is quite common in schools. Just because the adults and staff are more superior over you everyone automatically chooses to believe them. When I was labelled of inappropriate behavior with the opposite gender it hit me like a train. Moreover, my grades took a downhill move and I faced trust issues and injustice. It was just a normal day in school. I guess you could say I was the popular kid, I knew everyone and I had a lot of friends. I knew our school was unfair towards its students but never realized to what extent until I faced injustice myself. I had a really …show more content…

I could hear people whispering and talking about me. A place I loved so much turned into a jail for me. My friends supported me throughout, however I felt as if I was constantly watched over by the teachers. I couldn’t relax if Vlad was around. I had fear in me that the school staff would accuse me again. I started to lose my appetite, and then my motivation to end my year with good grades. It still shocks me that the vice principal would try to get me in trouble for the smallest things, be it the uniform, the color of my hair tie or the number of friends I had at the time. It felt as if she had a personal problem with me. When the time of the meeting came, where my parents and I had to meet the vice principal, something I very much expected happened. The so-called camera evidence that they had, was not there anymore. In fact, it was never mentioned in front of my parents. In addition, she was super supportive and nice next to my parents. Throughout that whole time, my parents supported me and assured me that they know I was truthful. Unfortunately, that didn’t motivate me to study or attend school. My parents didn’t pressurize me or force me to attend my school because they knew I felt like an outcast there. By the end of the year I had an attendance of 48% and not such good grades. Six C’s and one B to be exact. That was my final year of school and I ended it witch such a bad note. My grades reflected my depression. The many years I have dreamed of pursuing my career in the medical field were over for me as soon as I saw those grades. But hey, I guess everything is for the

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