What's Eating Gilbert Grape Sparknotes

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What's Eating Gilbert Grape portrays a family dealing with the trials, misfortunes, and also great times of having a member with a disability. The Grape family consists of Gilbert, Ellen, Amy, Mama (Mrs.Grape), and of course, Arnie. They live in an isolated town of Endora in a house that seems to be in shambles since their father died, causing their mother’s depression and becoming morbidly obese. Considering that there is only one parent left, their family structure single parenting and trends in a laissez-faire family pattern. Gilbert Grape is the eldest child. He takes on the role of being the head of the family by working a full-time job at the town’s mini-grocery store providing for his siblings, special care for his disabled brother Arnie and homebound mother. Amy Grape is the second eldest and takes on the motherly role in the household while becoming their …show more content…

Becky became Gilbert’s outlet from the stress of being head of the household and taking care of his siblings yet he always kept Arnie along his side while he was with Becky. Soon Arnie grows fond of Becky and began looking up to her like an older sister. Another outside support is Gilbert’s job that allowed him to take Arnie with him to work because they understood that Arnie is developmentally challenged requiring a lot of attention and Gilbert is the only breadwinner of the family. Stressors present include keeping up the house that their father built, how to financially support the household, caring for Arnie & a morbidly obese mother fixated on the livingroom couch because of great depression related to her husband’s death and harsh criticism from others within the town about her along with humor remarks referring to her as a “whale”. It was stressful for the siblings to live their lives normally because of having to mature faster than other children to adapt to their living

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