What is your ethnicity?

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Talk about a label or ethnicity may sound normal for most of the people in the United States. However, in the border, I’ve found many people that talks about ethnicity as it was a depicting way to talk about other people. Nonetheless, as we understood during the first weeks of this course, even though people never think in a label on their person, or have never thought in one, other people might get one for them in a daily basis. No matter where a person is, nor the country a person lives in, that person has a label for others and that person forms part of an ethnic group. In many cases, people’s ethnic identity will depend on the place where they grew up, but some others it simply will depend on their family descent. In my personal case I consider my ethnic identity as a Mexican-American. The reason for this are simple, but has many ramifications, I grew up in Mexico. Both my mom and my dad were born in Ciudad Juarez; they both grew up there and as a result, they embraced the Mexican culture. I was born in Roswell, New Mexico. We lived there for about two years, but my parent decided to return to Juarez. If we think about it, this probably was the beginning of my ethnic identity. While I grew up, I attended school in Juarez, and as any person that had the chance to attend school might understand, education is a powerful tool that shape people through the years. Though I was legally American, my parents taught me to talk in Spanish, have respect for the Mexican flag, the anthem and the different ceremonies, in addition of the Mexican holidays. Through the past of the time I embraced Mexican history, and understood the life style in Mexico. In my opinion, people often identify themselves to a specific ethnicity when they fully un... ... middle of paper ... ...dy has a label by personal choice or because others put one on that person, I consider myself a Mexican-American. Once someone starts to think about his or her ethnicity is not an easy task. If the person is not related directly to a specific ethnic group, this person has to actually dig into the past and remember what factors made that person feel part of a specific ethnicity, if any. In my case we can say it was easy to say Mexican-American. However, some others might have a hard time because they have more than two references when it comes to ethnicity. Mexican-American to me means to have the best of both cultures. I get to understand Mexican culture because of my parents, but also, I get to understand American culture due to my own experience in this country. This paper may sound reluctant in some parts, but it is hard to describe something you are not use to.

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