What is Art?

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What is art? That is the debatable question. Does the piece present a message? Does it have to be complex? Does it have to create an emotion? Is aesthetic appeal the only requirement? This paper consists of several opinions as to what art is.
WILLIAM RUBIN said, “There is no single definition of art that's universally tenable. Cultures without even a word for art nevertheless produce great art, for example, the ancient Egyptians. Since the Industrial Revolution, Western societies have felt their social values in continuous flux and their received definitions of art under constant change. Basically, the larger public makes a subjective determination: I know art when I see it.” Art is constantly changes. New techniques are forming. People need to be open minded and see what the artist felt while creating. We are too quick to form an opinion, and that can hurt us. We will miss out on the message, if we don’t take the time to study the piece. Aesthetics is a major factor to people. They need to dig deeper to find the underlying message.
LOUISE BOURGEOIS said, “Something is a work ...

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