What do you find confronting in the poetry studied this year?

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The poems Pietà by James McAuley and November by Simon Armitage are confrontational as they revolve around the theme of life. Life, death and grief are all something that every person will experience here on earth. Life… Death… Grief…The existing themes are already confronting but with the poets application of poetic techniques the two poems are able to be effective.
The confronting theme of life is shown through poetic techniques in the poems, Pieta and November. The cycle of life is shown through Pietà and November in two different ways. The child’s life is unfortunately cut short as it, ‘only [lives] one day.’ Whilst in November, the subject of the poem is about a Grandmother who is at the end of the cycle of life. This is unlike the baby in Pietà who is not able to live, or have a chance of living a long life. This may cause the audience to ponder about the purpose of life. Armitage uses consonantal alliteration and visual imagery, in ‘sun spangles,’ to symbolise that, ‘the only thing you can get, out of this life,’ is the beautiful happy moments. This logic is true for many non-believers as the purpose of life is unknown to them and the only positive reason for life is by creating happy memories.In November,the last moments of life are shown through the enjambment and flow. The audience is involved with the journey of bringing the woman to the hospital as if you are, ‘with your grandma taking four short steps to [your] two.’ This is effective as the audience can put themselves in the place of the narrator in the story.This is unlike Pieta which is written in past tense and is not able to put themselves in the place of mother but the audience is more sympathetic towards the mother and her loss of her child.
The theme of death ...

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...hild once. Pieta also uses repetition of ‘touch,’ and repeats ‘cannot’ to reiterate the inequitable death of the mother’s baby. As the mother is confusedand does not know how to react to this situation.Armitage uses structure to reflect the tone of the poem as it has five stanzas of three lines which have a depressing tone. The couplet at the end shows an elevated tone as the rest is in a depressed tone.In November it uses visual imagery to display the severity of grief, John and the narrator ‘numb [themselves] with alcohol to,’ to help them with their grief.
Pieta and Novemberare both different in the way they approach writing and how they illustrate life, death and grief through their poetry. Poetic techniques of symbolism, enjambment, alliteration and visual imagery are key techniques in the success of their poetry as they often provoke and confront the audience.

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