What are the Most Effective Heart Disease Prevention, Onset and Intervention Methods

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As opposed to the 19th century where the prevalence of preventable infectious disease was the leading cause of mortality, we face a new challenge today: decreasing the occurrence of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and strokes. Overwhelmingly so, cardiovascular disease remains the number one killer in the United States. This can be attributed to the state of poor psychological health and poor behavioral choices promoted by a variety of biological, psychological, and social influences. A healthier lifestyle is linked to a longer lifespan and better quality of life for an individual, so in order to promote a healthier lifestyle the dangers and risks of everyday life must be recognizable and approachable. Current questions I want to answer is; What is the most effective heart disease prevention, onset, and intervention methods? Looking through the biopsychosocial model scope is useful because it is a recent and practical framework to implement and operationalize.

In order to help prevent chronic diseases greater mental health and better lifestyle choices must be made to help raise peoples awareness and perceptions of and negative health behaviors such as poor nutrition, smoking, chronic alcohol consumption, and physical inactivity. In the following studies reviewed, there has been a correlation between mental health, and active healthy lifestyle in the prevention of cardiovascular disease onset.

1. Women and heart disease: Knowledge, worry, and motivation

Today, CVD (cardiovascular disease) remains the most likely cause of death for women. The false perception that CVD is more often a man’s disease can now be put to rest. Through time research has identified that best way to combat this epidemic of...

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...owledge, worry, and motivation. Journal of Women’s Health, Volume 20,

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Randomized controlled trial on the long-term efficacy of a multifaceted, interdisciplinary

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Retrieved from: http://eds.a.ebscohost.com.libproxy.unh.edu/ehost/detail?sid=da773720-baef-4253-9cec-f5242bae0967%40sessionmgr4001&vid=1&hid=4102&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=psyh&AN=2013-10075-010

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