What Role Does Benny Imura Play In Rot And Ruin?

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Benny Imura is the lead character of the Benny Imura otherwise known as the Rot and Ruin series of novels by Jonathan Maberry. The first novel of the series was the 2010 published title Rot & Ruin a post zombie apocalypse novel that gained critical acclaim and much commercial success.

The Benny Imura series are set several years after a zombie outbreak at a time when most of the human population was decimated. The remaining populations are living in small encampments and barely making a living from the land. The events of the novels take place in the Sierra Nevada Mountains where zombies roam the mountains killing, maiming and eating whoever they can find. Most of the settlements are fenced in to keep out the zombies which means very little contact with the outside world or other enclaves. For many of the survivors the enclave is the only thing they have left except for the younger members of the community that want more. …show more content…

Just like every teenager in the US, Imura needs to find a job on his fifteenth birthday or get his rations halved. He is now deemed old enough to become apprentice zombie hunter to Tom his boring elder brother though if he had a choice he would never become one.

He gets into it expecting tedious days spent killing zombies for money only to find that it is vocation that teaches him the values of being human. Rot & Ruin is an evocative thriller of a novel that showcases the storytelling skills of Jonathan Maberry that won him Bram Stoker Award.

The Benny Imura series of novels have won several prestigious awards over the years. Rot & Ruin the first novel of the series won a Best Novel at the 2010 Bram Stoker Award, Best Young Adult Novel at the 2011 Bram Stoker for the novel Dust and Decay and a Bram Stoker in 2012 for Flesh & bone that won the Best Young Adult Novel

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