What It Means To Be An American Essay

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What does it mean to be an American? There are many varied opinions on what this means to people, whether they are American or not. Some believe we eat too much junk food and think of ourselves as high and mighty. The stereotypes of us are ridiculous, though they can be true for some. In my opinion being American is having individual liberty, justice and patriotism towards our nation. To me, having liberty is to be free to do what we want for yourself. You are not restricted, you make your own choices. Your religion, education, ability to vote, who you marry, career path, etc. We have rights available to us like nowhere else in this world. Here, if you are a woman, you have the possibility of being just as successful as a man. It’s not always as easy in other countries as it is here. Afghanistan, for example, is possibly one of the hardest places to be a woman. In our country females are allowed to attend school without being discriminated against. We can choose the religion that we believe in, whether it’s believing in one God, multiple, or none at all. I think in this country, justice, to us could be one of the most important things. We have our own justice system, one of the reasons we are such a great country. We use our justice system to fairly punish those who commit a crime. There is justice for all, as …show more content…

A person can have patriotism through their words but I believe more so in their actions. There are many of us who are willing to part with loved ones for the good of this nation. People who will sacrifice and head out to war or across the ocean. There are others ways Americans show a form of patriotism. For example; standing up, hand over heart, and saying the Pledge of Allegiance in school. I believe it is our role as Americans to love our homeland and to show it. Patriotism isn’t to have hate for every foreign country. It is what motivates us to do what is right for this

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