What Is a Hero

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Bob Riley once said, “Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during the hard times that the ‘hero’ within us is revealed.” Bob makes it clear in just two sentences, and his message shows that the average “Bob” has heroic qualities within him; they just need to be shown. Different perspectives through time have given society many heroic figures through the media, and have become very familiar with them. Batman, Superman, and countless more have become portrayals of heroes or heroines. The truth is that someone isn’t only labeled a hero if they make impossible feats seem easy; they become heroes through their experiences and struggles. It’s there, in that moment, where anyone can show he or she is a hero. Evidently, it takes different qualities in a hero to separate them from the average person. A hero can be any individual that makes sacrifices for the greater good, overcomes internal and external conflict, and is driven by a goal he or she has set.
The ability to sacrifice helps distinguish a hero from the average person. A hero’s character and true strength show through after they’ve...

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