Ulysses S. Grant: A Leader in War and Peace

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General/President Ulysses S. Grant General Ulysses S. Grant was the best leader in U.S. history. He led the Union Army to a victory over the Confederacy, and also as the 18th president led a congregational reconstruction and helped to abolish slavery. Also according to ( whitehouse.gov) Grant said in the civil war to the Confederate Army “ No terms except an unconditional and immediate surrender can be accepted”. And that goes to show the work ethic and courage of General / President Ulysses S. Grant. We will start by looking at the young general Ulysses S. Grant, General Grant graduated from West Point Military Academy in …show more content…

citizenship. And also another fact about Grant according to (millercenter.org) “ Grants honesty was never questioned”. So now we have another complimenting fact about Grant. So now we will look at the legacy and impact Grant made. Grant left the White House in 1877 with a remarkable farewell address to congress saying “ It was a misfortune that I didn’t have any political experience when I got called to office”. (millercenter.org) So now we have a humble man to. And the legacy that General/ President Ulysses S. Grant left was hard work, courage, strength, boldness, humbleness, leadership and a fighting American spirit. General/ President Ulysses S. Grant died on July, 23, 1885 and left all of his accomplishments left behind and where never forgotten. Because every single one of the amendments or act’s that Grant signed off on are still in use today. And one last quote from General Grant. “ I purpose to fight it out on this line, even if it takes all summer. “ ~ Ulysses S. Grant~.

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