Refugees In Inside Out And Back Again

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Although refugees come from a different county, they are human too! Refugees are people that come from many war torn countries looking for a home. Refugee children go through many challenges in their life such as leaving a war torn country, trying to find a new home, and adjusting to that home and trying to find new friends along the way. Everyday a refugee's life turns inside out and back again. First, refugees don't just leave their county, they leave everything they know and love behind.Just this alone can be very life-altering. From the novel Inside Out and Back Again,Ha has to leave her culture, home, friends, papaya tree, and way of life behind her. From the passage ¨Wet and Crying¨, Ha states ¨Black seeds spill like clusters of eyes, we and crying¨(Lai 60). This conveys the idea that she felt extremely distraught about the loss of her papaya tree. We can also infer she felt this way about her other losses as well. In the passage ¨Refugee and Immigrant Children: A Comparison¨ it states ¨some have lost many members of their family and many have lost …show more content…

Miss Washington accepting Ha for who she is and where she came from helps feel more at home, and happier.(Lai 200). From the passage ¨Childern of War¨ a girl named Amelia states ¨I like it better than being a refugee in Croatia. Here people don't judge you by your religion¨(Brice, 25 or 26)This shows refugees feel better accepted when people put in the effort to understand their religion and not judge them for

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