What Is The Relevant Definition Of An Associated Person And Relevant Child

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In order to apply for an order, s.42(1) says the applicant must be “associated with the respondent” and the relevant definition for associated person and relevant child are set out in s.62 Family Law Act 1996. A child is a person under the age of 18, with any “relevant child” being defined in s.62(2) as “any child who is living with or might reasonably be expected to live with either party…any other child whose interests the court considers relevant.” In 1995-1996 parliament had widespread debates as to the definition of associated persons, for example whether it should include the terms “boyfriend” and “girlfriend”, however the difficulty surrounding the definition prevented this from happening and the introduction of the Family Law Act 1996 …show more content…

In the case, the parties didn’t specifically say they were living together, however they spent multiple nights of the week staying at each other’s houses. It was noted that the parties relationship only fulfilled 3 out of the six requirements that were created in the case of Crake v Supplementary Benefits Commission which was enough for the case to be held that the parties were associated persons under s.42, highlighting how immediately wide the definition can be. The idea of associated persons was lengthened even more by the introduction of the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 s.3 which enabled same sex couples to be included and those that have an “intimate personal relationship with each other of significant duration”. This however could be subjective as what may be conceived as intimate to one party may not to another, which without further narrowing the idea of the word “intimate”, this would have to be looked at by a case by case

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