Explain The Main Points Of The Children's Act 1989

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The main points of the children’s act 1989 are parental responsibility and the welfare of the child. Children are best cared for within their own families. The act states that the mental and physical wellbeing of the child is important. Professionals and parents/carers must work together to ensure the safety of the child. Local authorities have a duty to look into situations where they suspect a child or young person to be suffering from significant harm. Duties get allocated to local authorities, and other agencies to ensure that all children are safeguarded. The children’s act 2004 reinforces that all organisations that work with children and young people must help to safeguard …show more content…

All children and young people should have support regardless of who they are and the environments they come from. Children and young people should be supported to be healthy, enjoy life, have a good standard of living and be successful in everything they do. These are the five key principles to help get children and young people the best start in life. Children and young people have the right to voice their opinions and share any issues that are of importance to them. In the past this was often disregarded. Protection of the children’s act 1999 is so that any people who are considered unsuitable to work with children and young people are put on a list also known as (POCA). This list is to prevent the unsuitable people from gaining access to children. Unsuitable persons will not be allowed to work with any children weather its paid work or voluntary work. All childcare organisations must refer to this list through the criminal records bureau to check off names against the list and any persons found to be on it must not under any circumstances be employed. The UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the rights of a child) The UNCRC is an international agreement that

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