What Is The Main Idea Of The Damned Human Race Persuasive Essay

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“The Damned Human Race” is a bold essay written by Mark Twain. Twain takes on a very patronizing stance as he delves into the reasons that humans are the “lowest animal.” He claimed to have conducted many wild experiments proving this point. While Twain had stretched this thought to the limits, he presented some reasonable ideas as to why he so strongly believed that we are so wretched. I believe that while some humans prove his point, not all of us can be classified as the “lowest animal”. Twain claims that in his experiments he found humans to be very greedy and that we are always excessively wasteful. This I find to be very true. For example, we have Donald Trump. He is a billionaire but still looks for ways to find more money. He is greedy, taking much more than he needs and he doesn’t believe in giving and helping the poor. He is so greedy that he wants to export all immigrants that came into this country, so that he may have the land to himself. He is not the only rich and greedy human. All of the workers on Wall Street are just as bad as he is. So many rich …show more content…

I find that people have a habit of being civil with each other in person but as soon as they are not together they slander one another behind their backs. Humans tend to be very jealous creatures and may speak badly about a friend only because they want something their friend has. We also tend to be self-righteous and egotistical. If we believe we are better than our friend this may also be cause to speak about them behind their backs. Often times the only event humans band together for is war. We murder each other for the smallest reasons in war and on a day to day basis. Yet, animals do not experience any of this. They are not jealous creatures and do not slander their companions nor do they go to war with them, according to Twain. Yet again the human race displays itself as the “lowest

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