Rhetorical Analysis Of The Damned Human Race

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(Hook). Mark Twains comparison of human and animal behavior in "The Damned Human Race" can be identified with by a wide audience. His notoriety as one of the most famous American writers makes his opinion valuable to readers. Twains presentation of the material leads the reader to make factual assumptions on the actions a mankind. He appeals to the reader by focusing on basic ideas and using emotional charged vocabulary to invoke a strong response. Logically comparing conflicting behavior aids Twains argument that humans actions are substandard in comparison to animals. The overall argument of mankind's degradation from animals is successfully argued through the use of emotional appeal and logical reasoning.

The structure of the essay leads the reader to make conclusions about the morality of the human species. Twain presents specific examples of human deficiency that certain populations can identify with, then moves to broader topics that anyone can relate to. Twain describes mankind's moral dilemma by saying (quote). Allowing the readier to come to the conclusion that man kind is jaded when it comes to issues on morality Twain has successfully achieved his goal. He does state his opinion but does not force the reader to come to the same idea. The manner that he presents the information allows the reader to come to the conclusion that humans are flawed in comparison to animals in a logical manner even though the overall theme of the essay is a satire …show more content…

He captures readers by playing to their emotions of fundamental concepts (find quote). His ability to to focus on human behavior that society as whole can identify with gives a stark contrast of animal and human separation. Having the readers become emotionally invested gives Twains overall thesis that humans are "descendent" from the animals that surround us resonance with the

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