What Is The Importance Of Goat Milk?

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Pakistan is rich in goat genetic resources. It is the third largest goat producing country in the world after China and India. At present, there are 53.8 million goats in Pakistan and their population is increasing at the rate of more than 3% per annum (GOP, 2006). Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and NWFP have 37, 23, 22 and 18% goat population, respectively. There are more than 25 recognized breeds of goat (Hasnti0otain, 1985). Domestic animals creation is an important element of the rustic country of Pakistan. It is an important component of the cultivation sector as it accounts for 49.6% of the agricultural assessment added and about 10.4% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). Livestock products also considerably have good contribution …show more content…

Goat milk has been recommended as a substitute for those who suffer from allergies to cow milk or other food sources. Between 40% and 100% of patients allergic to cow milk tolerate goat milk. Therefore, there is a growing awareness of the importance of goats as a source of milk. Worldwide, more people drink goat milk than milk from any other species. The potential for the increased use of goats as animals for milk production in many developing countries is quite high. The genetics of milk production in goats seem to be similar to that in cattle and sheep (MIA et al. 2014). However, in terms of live weight, the goat is believed to be more efficient in milk production than the other 2 species. Haas and Horst Sheep and goats are the major source of livelihood for over a million livestock farmers (Hasnain, 1985). There are more than 50.9 million heads of goats in Pakistan (Anonymous, 2002). Pakistan is endowed with diverse livestock genetic resources. In fact, it is postulated that one of the centers of animal domestication lies in this part of the world. Pakistan has nearly 50 million

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