What Is The Differences Between The Beach And The Mountains

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Vacation Sites Between The Beach and The Mountains When choosing the perfect vacation to go on with the family, keep the beach and the mountains in mind. They are both great places, but they have a lot of differences and similarities within the two. The beach is for more of people that likes the sun and don’t mind being around a lot of people. The mountains are for more of people that like the calmer life and likes heights. In general, people like the beach over the mountains. The beach and the mountains are both great places when it comes to vacation sites , but generally people choose the beach over the mountains because of the places to stay, the beautiful weather, and the many choices in activities to do. There are a lot of condos that the beach offers where one can stay at on the beach. People like that, because they can stand out on the balcony and watch the children play at the beach. It is not far at all for the children to walk down to the beach either. We’re at the mountains, the cabins they offer for one to stay at is normally on the mountain. Parents don’t feel safe staying somewhere with their children can walk out the back door and …show more content…

There are some similarities between the two, also. It all depends on what one likes. If people likes the sun and crowds, the beach is definitely for them. If people likes the calm and laid back life, the mountains is definitely for them. Teenagers and young adults mostly go to the beach, while retired and elderly go to the mountains. The laid back life and the high life is two totally opposite things and it just depends on the kind of person someone is to where they choose to go to vacation too, the mountains or the beach. One 's personality says a lot about where they would choose to go, too Whichever one a person chooses rather it be the beach or the mountains, they picked two great vacation sites to choose

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