What Is Shoplifting?

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The security issue that I decided to pick to discuss throughout this paper, would be the growing epidemic of shoplifting. The security issues would affect the retail security portion of this assignment. You would be surprise how shoplifting has become such a big issue. The times are hard around the world, some people just don’t have the funds to provide for their kids and family. Some people seek shoplifting for the adrenal rush it gives some people. More than $13 billion worth of goods are stolen from retailers each year. That's more than $35 million per day. (2006, January 1).
One ethical problem with shoplifting, one being profiling the wrong candidates. I personally have been profiled in a store, because I was with a group of people. They thought that we were probably about to steal, they were harassing throughout the store. While they were focusing on us the real shoplifter, was an older lady and they didn’t even notice they things she was sneaking in her purse. I kind of don’t understand the other ethical issues completely & that is the only one I could think of....

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