What Is Radiology?

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Radiology Technology Even though technology can fail, billions of lives are saved by medical images because it pinpoints the exact location of a tumor or an object, it views the internal of the body without cutting, and results are quick and visible within minutes. Different medical technologies show’s different views, which comes into effect when diagnosing a patient. Radiology is a branch of medicine that specializes in X-Rays and other radiant energy, which also deals with diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Lives all around the world are changed because tumors and other objects are exposed on the scan. On November 8, 1895, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen was executing experiments trying to regulate the traits of cathode ray emissions. The …show more content…

The possible risks were any acute health problems such as burns and nausea and vomiting. Another health problem from radiation is radiation sickness, also called radiation poisoning, which can cause premature aging or death. Until 1904 after Thomas Edison longtime assistant, Clarence Dally, for X-ray testing died from radiation poisoning protective measures was not introduced. The first X-ray machine was not created until 1913 for medical purposes. The X-ray brought massive development to humanity. For the first time, doctors were about to view images of a heart and brain, which before were evaluated via direct examination was performed. May of 1896, in Naples the x-ray machine was first used medically when finding the location of a bullet in a soldier's arm. Later that year, a German doctor used the X-ray machine to find sarcoma in the tibia of a child. With new technology, modern X-ray machines are now able to explore fossils and look through luggage at the …show more content…

Interventional radiologist is radiologist that has additional training for the MRI, X-Ray, and other medical imaging to diagnose and treat a variety of infections without major surgery. They’re able to perform these surgeries because of advanced technology and high quality imaging. Commonly used interventional radiology procedures are: angiography, arteriovenous malformations, balloon angioplasty, biliary drainage and stenting, chemoembolization, gastrostomy tube, infection and abscess drainage, stent/ stent graft, thrombolysis, and much more. These procedures are small but can be life-threatening if not done in time or correctly. X-ray machines and X-ray dye help expose veins, tumors, and blocked blood vessels. An angiography procedures is performed using an X-ray machine to exam arteries and veins to determine if there is obstruction or other problems. To make the artery and vein visible on the X-ray, the radiologist would insert a catheter into a blood vessel and inject a

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