What Is My Identity Essay

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There are 1.13 million foreign students in the U.S. (Miriam) Since last month I am now part of them. Moving to the U.S. and going to college will represent a major change in my identity. I am now living without my parents and moved to a place where I have no friends. In contrast, when I lived in Mexico I hanged out with them every week and had a good time with them in special dates. This is the time when I am going to form my identity by myself, while before, when I was a kid, it was formed by my parents, from which I inherited his values and code of ethics. At this new stage of my life being part of new groups will be inevitable and I will have to struggle to make all memberships come into harmony. Specially now that I am living with my roommate forming a new group with him. Living with a friend in the same This group is not just the group that I have been in all my life, but it is mostly there where I formed my personal code of ethics and learned the values I practice everyday. For example, it is within my family that I learned to be responsible and work hard because my father is like that and since I was a little kid has influenced me to do things right just like he does. Also, patience and tolerance are some values that are part of my own code of ethics. I adopted them from my mother, she is very patient with people and tolerate diversity. All those things, I learned them from my parents, and became part of who I am today, they form my identity. Now that I am in a different country, I am still part of my family. Although, it is not easy to be so distant to a group that I have been always close. Hence, being distant will strengthen my identity because I will practice everything I have learned from my parents by myself. I will probably later, include other aspects of my personal experience and pass them to my children in the future just as my parents did to me but now my own experience will be

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