What Is My First Memory Essay

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My first memory is when my dad took me and sister to the park I was in a stroller looking at a lake and it started to rain, that’s all that I really remember but it’s a good memory. Whenever I look back it makes me happy, but unfortunately after that all I can really think of is negative stuff. In my household there was constant between my mother and father to this I’m not entirely sure what they were yelling about partially because it was always in Spanish. I remember me and siblings just hiding in the room while mom and dad yelled at each other until dad stormed out the house. This happened a lot in fact at one point child protective people showed up at our house and school asking us all questions such as do your mom and dad fight. Of course my family us about this and told us that if we told them the wrong thing we would be taken away. the idea of being taken away from your family and never be seeing them again scared us so we told the people that everything was fine in our household .We later found out that it was our cousin that called child protective services and still to this day I don’t really trust him (kinda funny) . The yelling continued for a while and when my dad got a car he use to tell me and siblings to go with him on a ride. We often did because we were scared of him, but I remember when I manned up and told him no. I …show more content…

Sadly things changed after this and college started. My former friends became more distant and I would no longer hear from most of them. This was probably one of most shitty things to have happened after high school mainly because I felt like I was going to be alone again and have no friends. I had a lot of friends in high school but once I lefts most just dussaoeared. This showed me who were really my friends and taught me a life lesson. However I still feel sometimes that I have no friends even though I actually

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