What Is Martin Luther King's Legacy

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Martin Luther King Jr. was the most important set piece in combating civil rights in the 1950’s. King became famous for using non-violent tactics when it came to protesting against segregation. Later down his life, he will have notoriety for things such as his “I have a dream” speech, the Nobel Peace Prize and many other outstanding accomplishments. My goal is to convey many of his achievements and life events to this paper. Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15th, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. Many people view MLK as a hero for all he has accomplished, and rightfully so. His actions and lack thereof, have inspired countless people, and has spawned a legacy. MLK has many achievements tied to his name, such as becoming a Baptist minister. However, through all of his efforts, he was awarded his most notable accomplishment, the Nobel peace prize in 1964 for “civil rights and social justice”. At the time, he was the youngest man to have ever received the honor, at age 35. …show more content…

On December 1st, 1955, a woman named Rosa Parks, defied segregation laws on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama. Once MLK was notified of her actions, he responded with launching a boycott of public buses in the city of Montgomery. Through the efforts of thousands of his followers, they were able to maintain the boycott for over a year, until the Supreme Court stepped in, declaring segregation on public transport ion as unconstitutional. After the Supreme Court had input due to the undying support of the boycott, MLK had seen how powerful his voice can

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