What Is King Henry Viii's Illness

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What made King Henry VIII the man he was? “In 1509, at the age of 18 years, Henry VIII ascended the throne of England and the recent 500th anniversary of this event has prompted a resurgence of interest in his life, politics, and health,” (Chalmers). The strength of the king was the strength of the country. King Henry VIII’s medical issues made him the king he was. Many people did not know that King Henry VIII had any type of issues. Even though the king was unhealthy, he hid his illness from the outside world. It is important to know about King Henry VIII’s health problems to be able to understand the king. King Henry VIII had sports injuries, leg ulcers, and a brain injury. To start, King Henry VIII was involved in many sports and, as a result, the king experienced multiple injuries. “However, his propensity for vigorous sport led to a variety of injuries of varying severity,” (Chalmers). King Henry VIII was involved in sports like jousting, horseback riding, and tennis. “In 1527 Henry injured his left foot …show more content…

“Now unable to take any exercise at all, and refusing to curb his daily intake, Henry's weight climbed steadily,” (Chalmers). When the king was young he suffered numerous injuries to his brain because of his jousting accidents. King Henry VIII suffered a brain injury because the king did not put his visor down and the jousting sword went through his eye and as he became obese a horse fell on top of him in a jousting accident. “In January 1536, while jousting at Greenwich, the King was unseated from his horse, crashing to the ground with the fully-armored horse landing on top of him,” (Chalmers). The king health was becoming worse with the passing of time. “Several authors attribute a further acute deterioration in Henry's subsequent mood and behaviour to the head injuries sustained in this fall,”

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