What Is Interagency Cooperation?

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After doing research in regards to interagency cooperation, it is in my personal opinion that all agencies work together in sharing intelligence to solve certain issues, but to do it carefully. Back in the early days, it was a problem among the agencies as some felt as though the other person couldn’t be trusted. In some cases, what if the intelligence ended up in the hands of someone that shouldn’t have gotten hold of it? Taken from the example of a previous reading, the author (Thomas B. Hunter) stated a valuable reason for agencies not to share intelligence and it may indeed be reasonable. “For example, while the CIA may be interested in obtaining information held by the FBI on a given individual, the FBI may be reluctant to part with that information for fear that the CIA’s use of that intelligence may compromise an ongoing investigation” (Hunter, 2004). When Mr. Hunter made that example, he definitely made a great point because the sharing of particular intelligence may blow the cover for this one agency, but is extremely helpful and valuable to another. This particular topic c...

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