What Is Determination Essay

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What is determination? Determination is setting your mind to a goal and constantly striving to meet that goal. All through my life, I have always been striving towards a new goal. Different circumstances cause people to have different goals. A goal I have always strived for is to be challenged. Throughout my life I have always believed that I could do whatever I set my mind to. When I was in 6th grade, I was competitive. Our school had a reading challenge made up of a point system for how many books you read. The kid you received the most points won a $15 dollars Barnes and Noble gift card. As a child, $15 is a lot of money. Naturally, I wanted to win it. Over the course of several months, I read as many books as I could get my hands on. Our school had a system of receiving both college credits and high school credits at the same time. This system was called Dual Enrollment. Throughout my life I have always been an ambitious person that loved an intellectual challenge. When I heard about Dual Enrollment, I was instantly excited. I loved the idea of getting both college and high school credits at the same time. The classes at my school were easy for me. I was not challenged at all when learning. I wanted something that would push me further. Throughout my being and adolescence, I have always been fond of learning. I was not a fan of busy work nor going to class for hours, but I enjoyed learning new information that I had not known before. Unfortunately, when I went to the superintendent to see if I could do Dual Enrollment, I was turned down. Evidently, Dual Enrollment was only offered to 10th through 12th grade. I was disheartened, but I still had an ambition running through me. I asked the superintendent if there was anything I could do, and she said there was an opportunity at Flowers Hospital, in which you could volunteer there and receive credit your senior year health class. I was ecstatic, but she told me that she wasn’t sure about it yet and to come by some other time, then “we will see”. I waited two months with no call from the superintendent. Consequently, I set my mind to be allowed to go volunteer. There is a famous quote that states, “A river cuts I immediately went to the superintendent and asked her to help set up everything for dual enrollment, which she gladly accepted. I enrolled in the two classes of U.S. History 201 and Art Appreciation. I was nervous about these classes. After all, this would be my first time taking classes on a college level. I was determined not to fail. I set my mind to acing the classes and studying as well as possible. Throughout the courses I took down many notes and listened intently to the lectures given. I studied hard for each of my tests and did well on them. I was determined not to fail! After several weeks of studying and note taking, I took my final. After the semester I had earned two A’s in my classes. I was proud of myself for the work I had done and my determination to study well. In looking back at my achievements, I am proud to see my success in what I have put my mind to. From reading many books, being persistent towards my superintendent, and finally being able to take college classes, I see how useful determination and self-motivation can be. Ambition, determination, and self-motivation are good things. They help us strive towards a better goal, while in in the process, making ourselves grow into people with a better character. In the years ahead, I hope to continue to be a person constantly striving to better themselves and reaching new goals and

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