What Does The Capitol Symbolize In The Hunger Games

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Symbolism is a technique that can be find widely in books, literatures or movies. Symbolism is used to give an object a whole new meaning which can also help develop feelings and meanings to the story making it more thrill and interesting. Symbolism in both The Hunger Games and Divergent have great effects in the story, by both making it emotional and helping the readers understand the book. Symbolism in The Hunger Games are used widely to describe a character personality or the scene’s atmosphere. In The Hunger Games the capitol created many genetically modified animal to become weapons for example the jacker tracker they are deadly modified wasp that are very poisonous and can eliminate a living being in just a couple of stings. This can symbolize how the capitol is willingly doing anything, like modify a living being just to win and take control or symbolize the capitol’s evil and cruelness. However in those group of modified animal some escape and was out of the control of the capitol like …show more content…

In The Hunger Games the capitol’s deadly animals shows how they are inhuman, evil and is will willingly do anything to remain in control over their people. This help develop the story by showing what Katniss was going against in this story. The Mockingjay also symbolize rebellion and unity, the mockingjay was the creature both Rue and Katniss used in The Hunger Games which shows how they are uniting by trusting each other. The mockingjay help the story develop by showing how each district is uniting to go against the capitol. In Divergent the faction clothing shows how each faction is isolated from each other and is different both in looks and personality. This help explain how the quote “Faction before blood” works in this story line and shows how hard it will be to unite a pair of

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