What Does The Bible Mean To Me

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The Bible is the most powerful book one can ever read, it is essential to our daily lives by helping us to better understand scripture. The Bible is a witness to historical events, and the most important thing that we are to learn from this amazing book is God. The two most important questions that we should continue to ask ourselves about the Bibles content according to the text God with Us is what can I learn about God’s plan? And what can I learn about God? To know God is to learn Him. It’s the reason mankind exists, we are a creation of God. The significance of God’s plan and knowing Him works both hand and hand because as we learn about God we learn of His plan. By reading the Bible, we learn a great deal about God, His character, as well as His plan to Salvation. Through His grace, mercy and love God forgives all our sins and offers a gift of salvation, by accepting this precious gift inspires a closer relationship with God. A devoted relationship with God empowers one faith, belief and understanding to only expand. In Genesis it states we were to live a joyous life while serving God.
In order to avoid or misinterpret passages about God in the Old Testament there are four safeguards just as it states in the text God with Us, that we should remember and apply. The first safeguard is as we read scripture to initially …show more content…

The Bible distinctively states that Humans were created good, in Genesis 1:31 “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” The Garden of Eden contained the tree of life and the good and evil tree of knowledge, God gave Adam a choice to choose from good and evil, He forbade Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, However, they made the decision to disobey God anyway and as a result of their disobedience they sinned, causing

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