What Does Religion Mean To Be Peaceful

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Religion meant to be Peaceful Religions teach us how to love and have moral value in life. “I believe that the core of all religions is the same—otherwise they would not be religious” Mohandas K. Gandhi. All form of religions, I believe, it’s meant to guide us to do what is right in life and treat everyone equally. For example, the ten commandments in the Christian Bible, guide us to do right and not commit any sins. I believe all religion is good and people have the right to choose what religion they want to choose to be. Born to a long generation of farmers and being a member of the lowest Caste System in Myanmar (formerly known as Burma). Grown up with my grandparents was hard, I remember every morning I always scavenged for food in the dumpsters. Every time that I go the city, I would see people get killed on the street, a young girl of age 13 would get sold for sex, and people used drugs everywhere I go. My view on the world has changed by then, but that’s not the worst event ever to be unfolded in my life. …show more content…

I was only 9 when ethnic cleansing begins, being the only Catholic family in the village, we were hated by everyone. The tension got so bad that I had to move back in with my parents in Thailand. Four months later, I received the worst news of my life that my grandparents had been murder. Ever since that devastating news, I always hated all religions because the religious differences are the reason that they got killed. But then, a few days later, I remember when I was about to leave Myanmar they whisper a word to me, “don’t hate people who choose to follow different religions-- the fundamental of all religions is for peace and always be kind to another. Religions meant to be peaceful.” Those are the words I would never forgot and I still memorized it by

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