Comparative Study of Religions

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The definition of religion changes all throughout the world. A neighbor, a coworker, a traveler, a student studying abroad would provide all sorts of different views and opinions on what religion means to them. It can be difficult at times to relate to other religions and provide factual information that has no bias and fully demonstrates the religion but it is important to find a common ground between factual and bias to create a better perception of what religion has to offer others. When narrowing in on three certain religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, there are similarities in beliefs or doctrines but they may symbolize for completely different things.
A similar belief that all three religions share is God. God means different things to each religion though. A similarity between the three Abraham religions is that God is recognized as “…[E]ternal, uncreated, all-knowing, and all-powerful, and it is God alone who created the universe and humankind”(Brodd, Little, Nystrom, Platzner, Shek & Stiles, 466). While Christian’s believe in God as the creator of the Earth, they also accept the trinity, otherwise known as God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. “Just as the Father represents God’s power in the creation of the world, and just as the Son both reveals the Father and redeems a sinful humanity, the Holy Spirit represents God’s continuing presence in the world” (Brodd et al., 412). This belief is not recognized within Muslim or Jewish beliefs because it goes against the emphasis of the oneness of God between the two religions. The importance of prayer is highly recognized for the communication with God but offers different meanings. Jewish people view types of prayers as “… [P]rayers of praise, confession, petition, and th...

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...he same morals and ideals. They each want to do good deeds, and live a sinful-less life as possible. Every person is going to be different as well as his or her beliefs, even within certain religions. What is more important is that believers do not get caught up in becoming hatful towards each other or doing sinful things that God does not stand for to prove a point.

Works Cited

Barnhill, Carla, and Mark Oestreicher. NIV Teen Devotional Bible: New International
Version. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Pub. House, 1999. Print.
Brodd, Jeffrey, Layne Little, Brad Nystrom, Robert Platzner, Richard Shek, and Erin Stiles.
"Judaism, Christianity, Islam." Invitation to World Religions. New York: Oxford UP,
2012. 342-510. Print.
Hale, Brent. "Similarities and Differences between the Three Abrahamic Faiths." Spiritual
Living 360. RR Donnelley, 5 Feb. 2011. Web. 13 Apr. 2014.

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