What Does It Mean To Say That Greasers Are Heroes

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Heroes don't all have to be perfect. In the outsiders, there are the greasers and the socs, it is based on the 1950’s and S.E Hinton wrote it when she was only 16 there are many different opinions on if the greasers are heroes or villains, there are counterclaims, and arguments but overall they are heroes. The greasers are heroes because they stand up for what they believe in. and not only that, they risk their lives for others. And each and every one of them has had to overcome hard challenges. Last but certainly not least, they help each other become stronger, and that is very important for them.

The greasers johnny, ponyboy, and dally stand up for what they believe in, which is very brave of them. In the fourth chapter ponyboy says to the socs, “You know what a soc is? White trash with mustangs and Madras. He has said this because the socs had been cussing out ponyboy and johnny for picking up their girls, and they were not ok with that. ponyboy had gotten fed up with the fact that on their turf the socs and cussed them out, so he decided to stand up and show that he was strong. This shows that they are able, and do stand up for themselves. …show more content…

You might think that dally isn’t a hero because he has this very long police record, but by heart he is a good person he just wasn't raised

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