What Does It Mean To Be Free Essay

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What is the real meaning of freedom for human beings? People always say ‘freedom’ this word and always look for freedom. I am one of them who always look for my own freedom. In my childhood, I think freedom is like have choice to don’t do homework, go to bed late, and eat a lot of snacks, etc. My freedom always changed with age. As Shannon said, freedom has two types that political freedom and freedom of the will. However, political freedom is only for a few parts of people. I found that the word ‘freedom’, which people always say, is freedom of the will. I am a total determinism who believe people do not have freedom of the will. We always have a lot of restrictions to have freedom of the will. Although we know what the things we really want, we also might not to do for many causes or reasons. (Yurou Zhang , Journal) Nowadays society is so severe and ruthless that we must pretend ourselves sometimes and to do a lot of things without our wills for getting better life and future. They always make a fake self for their desires. Only when …show more content…

Those actions we did due to morality and duty are not caused. (Shannon, 2017) I disagree these opinions from Libertarianism because no rule of this world affirms that everyone should be a moral person. I think the morality and duty totally can be considered as the cause of our actions. Everything has a cause and can be another thing’s cause. (Yurou Zhang, Journal) Furthermore, Shannon said that people is free when they do something following their own nature, like mothers loves their own children and birds can fly, etc. However, I think these actions also have causes. If the child is not this mother’s own child, she might not love him/her. The ‘own’ word can be considered as the cause. For birds, their wings can be the cause for them. There is no rule to affirm that anything or people should do something due by

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