What Does It Mean To Be An Imperfect?

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Through this blog I want to address the concern of today’s youth and the questions which linger in the minds of young adults slapped by the societal obligations and social expectations. Our generation feels that being imperfect is a blot on their character.

We are so engulfed in other’s life that we forget to take stand of ourselves. We have stopped giving time to ourselves, to our parents, to our closed ones.

We always care about our physical appearances. We often stand in front of the mirror and question ourselves. Am I so fat? Am I so thin? I have dark complexion and what not. We start comparing ourselves with others, either it is a celebrity or our own best friend. And by thinking so much about it, we don’t even realise how it is affecting …show more content…

We are engineered to fit ourselves into the shallow holes of beauty standards that prevail in the world today. Everybody wishes something was different in them. And even I feel the same. Nose too big, Knobbly knees, too big pores, too big forehead, thin lips. We are then expected to live up to the unreasonable expectations of looking ‘fabulous’ all the time. Following which We ‘re forced to invest in maintaining our looks and undergo painful beauty treatments which burn a hole in our pockets just to look better than yesterday.
It’s unfair!

All I have I to say, IT’S ALL IN YOUR HEAD.

I Know, it feels amazing to look good, but feeling good about yourself surpasses that.

Everyone is different, if you have a big nose, Other person might have thin lips. Now you are jealous of her for having your desired nose, and vice versa. She thinks you’re perfect because you have that part of body more beautifully designed than her. But it doesn’t make either of you ugly. You both are beautiful in your own ways.

And to be very honest, looks matters but what matters the most is, how beautiful you’re inside.

What is the point of wearing lots of makeup, dressing up yourself, perfectly and then having no idea about how to initiate a conversation, how to act in front of people. Every effort to look good will go in vain.

Looking beautiful doesn’t make you a charming person, it is how you present yourself in front of other which builds up your

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