What Does Consumerism Mean?

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Consumerism can be defined as a cultural model that promotes the acquisition of goods, and mainly the purchases of products, which can be seen as a channel for personal satisfaction and economic stimulation. In a consumerist society, an individual dedicates all of its strength to thinking and spending on "consumption." The reason is that because our happiness is focused on consumption and ownership. The overall view of life-based in the context of consumption is that the more we consume, the better life becomes. The idea of shopping is an exciting recreational activity for the majority of the people. Based on the article, What Does Consumerism Mean, "rather than cultivating happiness, consumerism is fueled by and cultivates fear -- fear of not fitting in, of not having the right stuff, of not being the right kind of person. Perpetual non-satisfaction defines consumerism." As humans, we desire to have the latest and the best to fit in, to surpass others. Our primary drive for desires, passions, and wishes is to acquire more consumer goods to reflect what happens in society solely. …show more content…

Planned obsolescence is acknowledged as the "designed for the dump," planned out- marketing strategy. This strategy is employed by companies to intentionally produce a product that is non-functional and outdated for a short time to convince buyers to drop the product even though it is operating well. Perceived obsolescence is when a buyer believes they need an updated version of the previous generation or model. For example, Apple iPhone or any other smartphone manufacturers dump $1,000 phone into the market; individuals believe they need to get their hands on the latest iPhone because of the wider screen, improved features, and more extended- lasting

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